Dirty jeans Letra

Magic Dirt

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dirty jeans" de Magic Dirt.

Dirty jeans lyrics

You're an ordinary boy and
that's the way i like it
on the train in the corner
with a mind-numbing headache
went out last night
with only one life
had to let you know
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dirty-jeans-magic-dirt ]
that you're beautiful
and you make me go and
even if you're takin'
there's no moves i'm makin'
my legs are achin'
my eyes are sore
i haven't washed my jeans
in three months or more

Magic Dirt

Magic Dirt

Dirty jeans

Ver más info

Artista: Magic Dirt
Canción: Dirty jeans
Duración: 03:40
Vistas: 22.284
Álbum: What are rock stars doing today
Etiquetas: australian, dirty jeans, videos i loved on rage when i was a kid, rock, freakum songs

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