Dirty Letra

All Ages

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dirty" de All Ages.

Dirty lyrics

Take me to a time when you could trust someone and never have them change, a time when your hopes were held high there was a reason for belief.
assuming and confusing distaste there's all these maladies.
a sudden pause in life to show the true colors of what you have done.
i dont think it'll ever be the same, protection, affection, the safety, and security.
and i dont think it'll ever be the same, not the way it was before.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dirty-all-ages ]
the feeling of betrayal is entering my heart, remembering all the days of loneliness and those nights you made me cry.
trying to stay coherent but the pain is way to much.
the question is still echoing loud through my mind, tell me what have u done?
what have you done to bring me back to this time?
what have you done?
and i don’t think it'll ever be the same protection, affection, the safety and security. and i dont think it'll ever be the same not the way it was before.

All Ages

All Ages


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Artista: All Ages
Canción: Dirty
Vistas: 665

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