Direction Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Direction" de Midtown.

Direction lyrics

Run away when you are down.
pick up the pace cause you fear the sound
of mistakes
that are getting closer every time.
Time is catching up to you
time is catching up to you
You keep on trying to escape your problems,
but problems keep on catching you.
you should try to turn the other way and escape your lies.
Time is catching up to you
time is catching up
[ De: ]
you don't know what to do
you run with no direction,
can you find direction now?
Say when you'll never change,
i'm hoping that you'll say.
but i doubt it will come,
and i doubt it will stay,
and i doubt if you want me anyway.
Time is catching up to you
time is catching up
you dont know what to do
can you find direction now?
you run with no direction.



Ver más info

Artista: Midtown
Canción: Direction
Duración: 02:33
Vistas: 85.404
Álbum: Save the world, lose the girl
Etiquetas: pop punk, punk rock, rock, high school, midtown

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