Ding dong the witch is dead Letra

The Fifth Estate

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Ding dong the witch is dead lyrics

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-ding-dong-the-witch-is-dead-the-fifth-estate ]
Ding dong the witch is deadthe fifth estatechorus:ding dong, the witch is deadwitch, old witch, the wicked witchding dong, the wicked witch is deadheigh-ho, the dairy-osing it high, sing it lowding dong, the wicked witch is deadshe's gone where the damned ones gobelow, below, belowso now, let's jump on up & sing & ring some bells now(repeat lines 1-3 & 7-9)(flute solo)(repeat lines 7-9)(repeat lines 1-6)(flute solo, fading)from: collins crapo />

The Fifth Estate

The Fifth Estate

Ding dong the witch is dead

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Artista: The Fifth Estate
Canción: Ding dong the witch is dead
Duración: 02:06
Vistas: 429

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