Different dimensional pervertation Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Different dimensional pervertation" de Cenotaph.

Different dimensional pervertation lyrics

Fall of scares all many eyes, pessimism with to vomit my
humanity, initial obligation drags my brain innocent face unknown bodies and
my disgraced soul collaborate and decide that your suggestion will be cause
for your time i'll be sucseeded in my satisfying my
pathological pervertation by suffering fron your eyes and going on piercing
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-different-dimensional-pervertation-cenotaph ]
your body parts noticing the guttural voices coming from your shredded neck.
after a while condonation stops, aspersion begins; cadaverous aghasted
agoraphobics become abominable testis has an abstruse
concelt, tustles me, creates confusion,.unattainable end which is abstained
the taste of the venom the verdict they say, sterillizing your muckut
straddling an a urfority is pouring blood and laughing with



Different dimensional pervertation

Ver más info

Artista: Cenotaph
Canción: Different dimensional pervertation
Duración: 03:03
Vistas: 4.659
Álbum: Pseudo verminal cadaverium
Etiquetas: turkish death metal, brutal death metal, brutal gore deathgrind

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