Diane Letra

The Bachelors

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Diane" de The Bachelors.

Diane lyrics

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-diane-the-bachelors ]
Dianethe bachelorswords & music by erno rapee & lew pollacki'm in heaven when i see you smile;smile for me, my though ev'rything's dark all the whilei can see you, have lighted the road leading home;pray for me when you no matter wherever i roam,smile for me, my diane.(last time)smile for me, my diane.

The Bachelors
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Artista: The Bachelors
Canción: Diane
Duración: 02:36
Vistas: 13.727
Álbum: The best of the bachelors
Etiquetas: pop, vocal, beat, 60s, oldies

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