Devil box Letra

Primal Rhythms Of The Jungle Monkey

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Devil box" de Primal Rhythms Of The Jungle Monkey.

Devil box lyrics

Silly people
all around,
the rainbow road
is upside down.
Crazy demons
live in your
not all primates
bury the dead.
At the mall
you've seen it all.
except the way
that it really is.
There are a lot of people out there
who would be happier in the end.
'cause they've got beautiful families they love
and everything matters less.
In their youth
they could move
houses with their pain.
[ De: ]
they aren't worried about being cool
they're goin dancin in the rain.
Well tvs and computers
will someday rule
wearin the dictatorship
and nobody knew
Well people live by
what's in the box
devil, devil, devil, devil box
devil, devil, devil, devil box
Somebody call out
satan's on the loose
it's all about what you wear
and all the current issues
It's a derail train
no one will get off
and it makes us slower
than a drunk up sloth
Devil, devil, devil box
Primal Rhythms Of The Jungle Monkey
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Artista: Primal Rhythms Of The Jungle Monkey
Canción: Devil box
Duración: 04:06
Vistas: 60

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