Deuce-5 to life Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deuce-5 to life" de X-raided.

Deuce-5 to life lyrics

Breathe with me
Breathe the pressure
Come play my game i’ll test ya
Psychosomatic addict insane
Breathe the pressure
Come play my game i’ll test ya
Psycho-somatic addict insane
Come play my game
Inhale, inhale, you’re the victim
Come play my game
Exhale, exhale, exhale
[ De: ]
(something like ”like a fool” or ”microphone”)
Breathe with me
Breathe the pressure
Come play my game i’ll test ya
Psychosomatic addict insane
Breathe the pressure
Come play my game i’ll test ya
Psycho-somatic addict insane
Come play my game
Inhale, inhale, you’re the victim
Come play my game
Exhale, exhale, exhale
Come breathe with me
Breathe with me


Deuce-5 to life

Ver más info

Artista: X-raided
Canción: Deuce-5 to life
Duración: 04:38
Vistas: 3.059
Álbum: Xorcist
Etiquetas: 916, gangsta rap, sacramento, sac-town, garden blocc

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