Destroyed by you Letra

Vanilla Ninja

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Destroyed by you" de Vanilla Ninja.

Destroyed by you lyrics

Baby do you really know
what you meant to me
you were like a light of stand
shining just for me
then i found my heart was taken in by you
last night
my believe was breaking into the fragments
deep inside
There's a light
light in my life
to let me know
i will survive
tell me why
why was this light killed by you
destroyed by you
Baby did you really mean
what you did to me
i was blinded by the light
so i just could not see
that my love will lead into the darkness
of dispair
and in the moment of destruction you'd say
[ De: ]
i don't care
There's a light
light in my life
to let me know
i will survive
tell me why
why was this light killed by you
destroyed by you
Baby do you really know
what you meant to me
you were like a light of stand
shining just for me
light up my life
to let me know
i will survive
tell my why
why was this light killed by you
destroyed by you
Light up my life
There's a light
light in my life to
let me know
i will survive
tell my why
why was this light killed by you
destroyed by you
Vanilla Ninja

Vanilla Ninja

Destroyed by you

Ver más info

Artista: Vanilla Ninja
Canción: Destroyed by you
Duración: 03:53
Vistas: 22.694
Álbum: Traces of sadness
Etiquetas: scandinavian, female vocals, rock, industrial, sad

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