Destroy Letra


El tema "Destroy" interpretado por Ektomorf pertenece a su disco "Destroy". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Destroy" de Ektomorf.

Destroy lyrics

I see the world and it's full of hate
around me hypocrites and i know them
they want to take away my emotions
but i resist
i destroy them
I know them
Great future, safe life, money, abundance
they promise everything but it's bullshit
i'm not a motherfucker ignorant
[ De: ]
i will strike
i will fight
They cannot take my life
they cannot stop me
they cannot take my rights
I know them
I go ahead, never never turn back
live your fucking life and give me respect
i have my life and it's only mine
i will strike
i will fight



Ver más info

Artista: Ektomorf
Canción: Destroy
Duración: 03:50
Vistas: 67.813
Álbum: Destroy
Etiquetas: groove metal, metal, metalcore, death metal, thrash metal

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