Destiny Letra

Jim Brickman Featuring Jordan Hill & Billy Porter

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Destiny" de Jim Brickman Featuring Jordan Hill & Billy Porter.

Destiny lyrics

What if i never knew
what if i never found you
i'd never have this feeling in my heart
how did this come to be
i don't know how you found me
But from the moment i saw you
deep inside my heart i knew
baby you're my destiny
you and i were meant to be
with all my heart and soul
i give my love to have and hold
and as far as i can see
you were always meant to be my destiny
I wanted someone like you
someone that i could hold on to
[ De: ]
and give my love until the end of time
but forever was just a word
something i'd only heard about
But now you're always there for me
when you say forever i believe

Maybe all we need is just a little faith
'cause baby i believe that love will find the way
(instrumental bridge)
Baby you're my destiny
you and i were meant to be
with all my heart and soul
i give my love to have and hold
and as i far as i can see
from now until eternity
you were always meant to be my destiny

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