Destiny Letra

Al Martino

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Destiny" de Al Martino.

Destiny lyrics

No one can change what is destiny
can't re-arrange what was meant to be
every thing that's happened
and things we still don't know
were written in the sands of time
long long ago
We had to be that was destiny
what had to be simply had to be
now i have the answer
i possessed the key
[ De: ]
hear in my arms
i found my destiny
Musical interlude
Every thing that's happened
and things we still don't know
were written in the sands of time
long long ago
We had to be that was destiny
what had to be simply had to be
now i have the answer
i possessed the key
hear in my arms
i found my destiny with you
Al Martino

Al Martino


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Artista: Al Martino
Canción: Destiny
Duración: 03:09
Vistas: 87

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