Destination Letra

Kut U Up

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Destination" de Kut U Up.

Destination lyrics

Lend my ears, destination
a lonely conversation
am the truth, live a lie
a normal guy
waste away
tommorow comes
The monster, the monster
how do you split $450 3- ways?
the footprints, the footprints
how do you split $450 3- way
You ask me a question
You're going back and forth
i'm the one who's there when
you are so down.
[ De: ]
I think we sailed too far
we've sailed to far
your making things too hard
you make it you make it
If i'm in a crowd and i see you
all alone
your such a fuck that i love to hate myself.
Radio station
c4 am 95
They got the riffs
and they got the chords
the nine-string guitar attack leaves you begging
for more
We're tuning to thank you
radio station
c4 am 95
Kut U Up

Kut U Up


Ver más info

Artista: Kut U Up
Canción: Destination
Duración: 03:22
Vistas: 12.259
Álbum: Pulled over
Etiquetas: rock, alternative, post-hardcore, punk

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