Destination anywhere Letra

The Commitments

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Destination anywhere" de The Commitments.

Destination anywhere lyrics

Said to the man at the railroad station,
"i want a ticket, just for ;
he said, "well, if you insist. where you wanna go, miss?"
oh, destination anywhere
east or west, i don't care
you see my baby don't love me no more
this old world ain't got no back door
He looked at me with a funny face and said,
"are you sure you wanna go just anyplace?"
i said, "if you ever loved someone, the way i loved that man,
surely mr. ticket agent, you should ;
destination anywhere
east or west, i don't care
you see my baby don't want me no more
this old world ain't got no back door
[ De: ]
'cause every day, it would swing both ways
and we'd go on back to happy yesterdays
when i loved him tenderly
and all he needed was me.
As i stared through the window of the train
i thought i heard my baby call my name
but it was just the conductor saying,
"which stop would you prefer?"
oh, destination anywhere
east or west, i don't care
you see my baby don't love me no more
this old world ain't got no back door
Destination anywhere
east or west, i don't care
destination anywhere
east or west, i don't care
destination anywhere
east or west, i don't care
destination anywhere
east or west, i don't care
[ad lib to end]
The Commitments

The Commitments

Destination anywhere

Ver más info

Artista: The Commitments
Canción: Destination anywhere
Duración: 03:09
Vistas: 40.183
Etiquetas: rock, female vocalists, soul, rb, soundtrack

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