Desire Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Desire" de Polecat.

Desire lyrics

Lover i'm off the street
where the bright lights and the big city meet
with a red guitar on fire
desire, desire
She's like a candle burning in my room
i'm like the needle, needle and spoon
over the counter with a shotgun
pretty soon, everybody got one
and the feelin' when i'm beside her
desire, desire (yeah)
[ De: ]
And the feelin' when i'm beside her
desire, desire
Well she's the dollars for my protection
she's the promise in the year of election
i said sister can you let you go
i'm like a preacher stealing hearts at a traveling show
for the love or money,
and the feelin' when i'm beside her
desire, desire
desire, desire
desire, desire
desire, desire
desire, desire



Ver más info

Artista: Polecat
Canción: Desire
Duración: 03:26
Vistas: 204
Etiquetas: u2 cover

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