Depression - part i Letra

Abyssic Hate

El tema "Depression - part i" interpretado por Abyssic Hate pertenece a su disco "Suicidal emotions". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Depression - part i" de Abyssic Hate.

Depression - part i lyrics

Far beyond the walls of all safety in a land
disgusting as the highest of god's heavens
starved hands keep appearing - clawing
tearing shreds out of the flesh and mind
And as the sands crawl their unchanging path
all means seemingly focus towards the end
[ De: ]
there is no reason to live anymore when the reason cannot be attained
But the solace lay beyond the darkness
in a land where light and life dwell
yet soon will come death and the numbing fires
only then will my mind lie to rest
For i am alone on this world
enslaved and surrounded by the living dead
yet still i stand tall as i bleed
deep from within the cuts upon my skin
Abyssic Hate

Abyssic Hate

Depression - part i

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Artista: Abyssic Hate
Canción: Depression - part i
Duración: 12:39
Vistas: 24.827
Álbum: Suicidal emotions
Etiquetas: raw black metal, suicidal black metal, black metal, depressive, depressive black metal

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