Departure from the mortals Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Departure from the mortals" de Marduk.

Departure from the mortals lyrics

Dreadful life, time to die
visions of black ends my life
retribution i am saved
without form i shall be evil
Departure from the mortals
as my life ends
departure from the mortals
[ De: ]
but i will remain
May my lust be fulfilled
reach the land of no return
in the forest of the dead
my evil soul will dwell
Departure from the mortals
as my life ends
departure from the mortals
but i will remain


Departure from the mortals

Ver más info

Artista: Marduk
Canción: Departure from the mortals
Duración: 03:21
Vistas: 78.639
Álbum: Infernal eternal (disc 2)
Etiquetas: swedish black metal, old school black metal, true black metal, black metal, sweden

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