Demonic ant master Letra

The Gotees

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Demonic ant master" de The Gotees.

Demonic ant master lyrics

Nevermind the worried never mind the careless never mind those crazy little people who dance
ne-ver-mind ne-ver-mind we got those little bugs who steal us some food they have 6 little legs and all these ones bite.

theyre the demonic ants and im the demonic ant master(x2), i control em all,and a sneaky crawly
[ De: ]
Forget the good forget the bad forget the ugly
cause ive got a ant hill and its taller the v they will come and fight
Theyre the demonic ants and im the demonic ant master(x2), i control em all,and a sneaky crawly
Sneaky crawly sneaky crawly sneaky crawly sneaky crawly sneaky crawly sneaky crawly sneaky crawly sneaky crawly sneaky crawly sneaky crawly

then reapeat the chorus on guitar and then over
The Gotees

The Gotees

Demonic ant master

Ver más info

Artista: The Gotees
Canción: Demonic ant master
Vistas: 58

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