Deliverance Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deliverance" de 77s.

Deliverance lyrics

You went to my head
All the things that you said
Straight to my head
Like a cannonball
I fled
The more that i heard
The more that i knew i'd been had
Should have got out the lead
I ran full speed ahead
Full of dread
Went to my head
You went to my head
Message was danger
Color was red
I dreamt i was dead
Sat straight up in my bed
My bed
Oh where did i bury my body
So dirty
My soul
So unfed
This went through my head
Straight through my head
Yeah, yeah
The toast was raised
The bullets sprayed
They laid me down
Down among the frowns
Below the ground somewhere
[ De: ]
This went through my head
Down the garden path i was led
Got cooked in some oven
Baked me like bread
Where was that masked body
I buried and left it for dead?
The hand crept out the water
Shouted hallelujah, hallelujah
I need deliverance
This went through my head
Why did all this go through my head?
Straight through my head
Like a bullet of lead
The bomb was dropped
The megaton exploded
The fire burned
Consuming all that went before it

The information spread
The bombs they burst
The smoke, the heat
The blood was red
Exhuming every single thing
I did and said
Lord help my head, help my head



Ver más info

Artista: 77s
Canción: Deliverance
Duración: 08:53
Vistas: 118

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