Delicious Letra

Jim Backus & Friend

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Delicious lyrics

[ De: ]
Deliciousjim backus & friendnote: jim is indicated by j, "friend" by f. lots of laughing and jim's diction gets a little slurred toward the endf: ooh we're gonna have funj: yesf: it's a cozy table, isn't it?j: and champaigne my dear, heh-hehf: mmmmmm delicious, ha-haj: you like it? heh-hehf: mmmmmm delicious, ha-haj: hee-hee-hee i like it to, heh-heh yes i do like itf: mmmmmm deliciousj: heh-heh you want some more?f: mmmmmm deliciousj: i knew you'd like it, heh heh haf: deliciousj: have some the waiter and hehheh put on the paper get out the lampshade ha-ha i even like the cork waiter, waiter, more keep pouring it every night's new year's eve waiter, every night we're gonna do thish, i don't care, loshe the job what you gonna do scooba dabba doo oh champaign (hic)...
Jim Backus & Friend
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Artista: Jim Backus & Friend
Canción: Delicious
Vistas: 412

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