Deep water Letra

Pansy Division

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deep water" de Pansy Division.

Deep water lyrics

So sad now, no way out
the bottom of despair
hormones raging, going crazy
it there another boy who cares?
Deep water
pulling me down
deep water
afraid i'll drown
I hear the gays go to san francisco
that's so far away from here
school's a jail, at home, i've failed
[ De: ]
a life of pain and fear
Deep water
pulling me down
deep water
afraid i'll drown
Two more years now, before i get out
that's a lifetime to wait
try to hold on, put my thick skin on
'til i make my escape
Deep water
pulling me down
deep water
afraid i'll drown
Deep water
deep water
deep water
Pansy Division

Pansy Division

Deep water

Ver más info

Artista: Pansy Division
Canción: Deep water
Duración: 02:07
Vistas: 7.206
Álbum: The essential pansy division
Etiquetas: queer, 90s, punk, alternative, queercore

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