Deep love Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deep love" de Mandalay.

Deep love lyrics

Now i can trust you now i as i feel at ease how lost in you should i be
now i can see you clear as the day begins how lost in this should we be
[ De: ]
share and say you'll bring to me deep love you can't say that it's too soon
to say how you feel
share and say you'll bring to me deep love just don't say that it's too soon
to say how you feel
now as i touch you here as the day begins how lost in this should i be


Deep love

Ver más info

Artista: Mandalay
Canción: Deep love
Duración: 04:47
Vistas: 109.595
Álbum: Solace
Etiquetas: trip hop, trip-hop, chillout, female vocalists, downtempo

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