Deep in the heart of texas Letra

Alvino Ray

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deep in the heart of texas" de Alvino Ray.

Deep in the heart of texas lyrics

Deep in the heart of texas
alvino ray
- words by june hershey, music by don swander
The stars at night are big and bright
deep in the heart of texas
the prairie sky is wide and high
deep in the heart of texas
the sage in bloom is like perfume
deep in the heart of texas
reminds me of the one i love
[ De: ]
deep in the heart of texas
the coyotes wail along the trail
deep in the heart of texas
the rabbits rush around the brush
deep in the heart of texas
the cowboys cry, "ki-yip-pee-yi"
deep in the heart of texas
the dogies bawl and bawl and bawl
deep in the heart of texas

Alvino Ray

Alvino Ray

Deep in the heart of texas

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Artista: Alvino Ray
Canción: Deep in the heart of texas
Duración: 02:38
Vistas: 90

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