Deeds of glory Letra


El tema "Deeds of glory" interpretado por Saxon pertenece a su disco "Killing ground". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deeds of glory" de Saxon.

Deeds of glory lyrics

When i was a boy i listened to the stories
of conquerers and heroes of old
tales of adventure and valiant days
warrior courageous and bold
Come with me and i'll take you there
let's open the book of time
Battalions of steel on charging white stallions
riding out in the dawn
many will follow and carry the flag
defenders of faith and the realm
Come with me and i'll take you there
let's open the book of time
They are calling hear their voices
[ De: ]
from the pages of history
fallen heroes not forgotten
your deeds of valour, deeds of glory
deeds of glory
Forged from purest metal, courage made of steel
they stand upon the city walls
guardians of fait on lonely distant watchtowers
we hear your gallant voices call
Come with me and i'll take you there
let's open the book of time
They are calling hear their voices
from the pages of history
fallen heroes not forgotten
your deeds of valour, deeds of glory
deeds of glory


Deeds of glory

Ver más info

Artista: Saxon
Canción: Deeds of glory
Duración: 04:34
Vistas: 13.166
Álbum: Killing ground
Etiquetas: metal, new wave of british heavy metal, british, hard rock, heavy metal

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