Deconstruction Letra


El tema "Deconstruction" interpretado por Nevermore pertenece a su disco "Dreaming neon black". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deconstruction" de Nevermore.

Deconstruction lyrics

"my perfect reflection swims
through the drowning pool. the sky is gone.
my world is in deconstruction"
The fallen that dreams suicide
takes the needle, instead of the gun
the victim who self crucifies can't realize
christ is a weapon that chisels at our lives
the martyr takes his aim and wounds the holy man
and on the eighth day god made the art of war
and laughing planned the end
Who will tend the garden when the snake swallows the light?
who will eat the decay when the worms have lost their sight?
who will rape the weak when there's nothing left to gain?
who will till the soil of these barren black remains?
[ De: ]
Deconstruction, deconstruction
Who will lick my wounds when they take away my speech?
will you stand in line while the shepherd hunts his sheep?
could you see tomorrow if i took away your eyes?
can you crawl from under new age prophecy's despise?
Deconstruction, deconstruction
Deconstruct my reality and let me slip away, i am the dog
Who will tend the garden when the snake swallows the light?
who will eat the decay when the worms have lost their sight?
who will rape the weak when there's nothing left to gain?
who will till the soil of these barren black remains?
Deconstruction, deconstruction
deconstruction, deconstruction
Our world is in deconstruction
our world



Ver más info

Artista: Nevermore
Canción: Deconstruction
Duración: 06:38
Vistas: 83.574
Álbum: Dreaming neon black
Etiquetas: metal, thrash metal, progressive metal, heavy metal, progressive thrash metal

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