Deckchairs and cigarettes Letra

The Thrills

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deckchairs and cigarettes" de The Thrills.

Deckchairs and cigarettes lyrics

Well what can you do
when all that surrounds you
so slow down
deckchairs and cigarettes
they'll say, let's go to san diego
where all the crazy kids go
just don't change a thing
just don't change a thing
just don't change a thing
Well then ... fell in love
on our summer
but we knew, what we got ourselves into
They'll say, let's go to san diego
[ De: ]
where all the crazy kids go
just don't change a thing
just don't change a thing
just don't change a thing
They'll say, let's go to san diego
where all the crazy kids go
you build me up so high, my darling
you bring me down so low, you know it
you build me up so high, my darling
you bring me down so low, you know it
just don't change a thing
just don't change a thing
just don't change a thing
The Thrills

The Thrills

Deckchairs and cigarettes

Ver más info

Artista: The Thrills
Canción: Deckchairs and cigarettes
Duración: 04:57
Vistas: 126.158
Álbum: So much for the city
Etiquetas: indie rock, rock, pop, indie, alternative

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