Deciphering darkness Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deciphering darkness" de Axament.

Deciphering darkness lyrics

I should have known they came in disguise;
i had no idea of the horrors in stored for me in
why do things happen as they appear in dreams?
and when i dream, i dream of
dreams or memories of
i cannot tell what are my
[ De: ]
and the dreams always return,
and all the terror and the evil that came with these memories were born
within my
what was left of my sanity told me not to indulge myself to
but as i was lured into them that voice was nothing more than a
and now i am losing everything that is left of my


Deciphering darkness

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Artista: Axament
Canción: Deciphering darkness
Vistas: 53

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