Dechristianize Letra

Vital Remains

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dechristianize" de Vital Remains.

Dechristianize lyrics

Trembling to its fall
putting and end to it all
by storm, by force
with without remorse
we are here to conquer this world
Like our hate consumes the light of elysium
unstoppable force of demonic supremacy
all devouring
heaven now scarred and empty
Strike the death knell of the pandemonium
imbrue one's hands in the blood of christ
washing away all filth of righteousness
the dimming of the light
engulfing the trinity
He culture of mankind
he pride of the ancient ways
he thought of freewill
i who will watch you fall into obscurity
Washing away all filth of righteousness
the dimming of the light
engulfing the fucking trinity
I spit upon your deity
supposed creator of all things
idol of irreverence you worship above
show your true the image of prevarication
Unhallowed be our twilight
thy grace untriumphant
mourn the crowning of unconquerable profanation
hell's grim eldest of night and chaos
[ De: ]
breathe once from the shadow of god
this day of reckoning will be unavenged
glory of wrathful inignation
i deny god and all religion
turn up the whites of their dechristianize
our poisonous truths
in impurity

sanguilent in your agony
Like our hate consumes the light of elysium
unstoppable force of demonic supremacy
all devouring
heaven now scarred and empty
Strike the death knell of the pandemonium
imbrue one's hands in the blood of christ
washing away all filth of righteousness
the dimming of the light
engulfing the trinity
He culture of mankind
he pride of the ancient ways
he thought of freewill
i who will watch you fall into obscurity
Washing away all filth of righteousness
the dimming of the light
engulfing the fucking trinity

hell's grim eldest of night and chaos
breathe once from the shadow of god
this day of reckoning will be unavenged
glory of wrathful inignation
i deny god and all religion
turn up the whites of their
Vital Remains

Vital Remains


Ver más info

Artista: Vital Remains
Canción: Dechristianize
Duración: 08:54
Vistas: 167.648
Álbum: Dechristianize
Etiquetas: brutal death metal, melodic death metal, extreme brutal death metal, technical death metal, death metal

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