Decade Letra

Pete Murray

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Decade" de Pete Murray.

Decade lyrics

Don't you know it's a beautiful day when i'm with you, and you smile it let's me see, oh you made my day.
Do you remember when you told me you couldn't see me? i can still feel, feel the pain oh that i felt on that day.
you were something that i wanted and you know it all so well. and you were something that i needed and it hurt like i was in hell.
[ De: ]
And your touch is so comforting, when you touch me and to look at me you set me free. you made my decade.
you were something that i wanted and you know it all so well. and you were something that i needed and it hurt like i was in hell.
You were someone to hold onto, you were someone to hold onto.
It's so good just to hold you and to love you. you have totally changed my ways. you made my decade.
you were something that i wanted and you know it all so well. and you were something that i needed and it hurt like i was in hell.
Pete Murray

Pete Murray


Ver más info

Artista: Pete Murray
Canción: Decade
Duración: 04:23
Vistas: 5.145
Álbum: So beautiful
Etiquetas: male vocalists, australian, folk-rock, easy listening, 00s

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