Death worship Letra


El tema "Death worship" interpretado por Calvarium pertenece a su disco "The skull of golgotha". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Death worship" de Calvarium.

Death worship lyrics

In a room, darkened
full on my suicide notes
on the
in the
covering the
every corner saying goodbye
cursing this world
hailing death
As i stagger
in this world
and the one beyond
the words of the notes
form faces, grotesque
demonfaces, horned and mocking
staring at me
[ De: ]
laughing at me
screaming in my mind
Elder scriptures
tongue of demons
written and carved
all over my skin
written to summon
those creatures in blasphemy
deny heaven
and walk the way to blackness
in the last momets
"odo cicale qaa; sodoreje
iape sodirejo noro mada, hoathahe saitan"
and the demons
rip me


Death worship

Ver más info

Artista: Calvarium
Canción: Death worship
Duración: 06:02
Vistas: 3.997
Álbum: The skull of golgotha
Etiquetas: finland, black metal

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