Death to the flesh Letra

Kevorkian Death Cycle

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Death to the flesh" de Kevorkian Death Cycle.

Death to the flesh lyrics

You are cold
you are hollow
you're a friend for the gain
you're a bitch
you are shallow
your hole means nothing to me
You will never be more than a trivial game
forget my body, forget my pain
Death to the flesh, baby
you're a spiritual whore
death to the flesh, baby
you kill and then you want more
death to the flesh, baby
[ De: ]
death to the flesh
Take my body, take my flesh
reject me baby there's nothing left
you will never be more than a trivial game
forget my body, forget my pain
Death to the flesh, baby
you're a spiritual whore
death to the flesh, baby
you kill then you want more
Death to the flesh
death to the flesh
death to the flesh
death to the flesh
Kevorkian Death Cycle

Kevorkian Death Cycle

Death to the flesh

Ver más info

Artista: Kevorkian Death Cycle
Canción: Death to the flesh
Duración: 03:58
Vistas: 1.469
Álbum: A+o(m)

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