Death Letra

Internal Error

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Death" de Internal Error.

Death lyrics

We once was the children of hell
then satan came to sa
that we were free to live upon earth
but the price to pay was
was we were still dead
We feast upon human blood x4
We are coming for you

we arrived at night
while everyone was asleep
we stopped at a hotel
until the moon came out
[ De: ]
We feast upon human blood x4
We are coming for you
that night we ate
yes we had a feast
a feast of blood
and of human flesh

the word got out that we were in town
people panicked and went away
but we hunted them down once again
always , always

we feast upon human blood x4
We are coming for you
Internal Error
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Artista: Internal Error
Canción: Death
Vistas: 94

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