Death dealer Letra

Fireball Ministry

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Death dealer" de Fireball Ministry.

Death dealer lyrics

Death beliver
soul stealer
time healer
how do they feel
being born for the last time
took it all away
only came for what's mine
now there's nothing to say
can you feed me the right line
bought and sold for the unkind
[ De: ]
for the first time
for the last time
for my worst crime
my fate's been sealed
being born for the last time
took it all away
only came for what's mine
now there's nothing to say
can you feed me the right line
bought and sold for the unkind
Fireball Ministry

Fireball Ministry

Death dealer

Ver más info

Artista: Fireball Ministry
Canción: Death dealer
Duración: 04:09
Vistas: 10.172
Álbum: Ou est la rock?
Etiquetas: cowbell, stoner metal, stoner rock

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