Death at both ends Letra

Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects

El tema "Death at both ends" interpretado por Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects pertenece a su disco "Sol niger within version". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Death at both ends" de Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects.

Death at both ends lyrics

Parallel dimensions: on frequencies sublime.
hidden for millenia to earthbound mind. girded with lies.
reality until now. delusional abbreviation.
unearthly codes deciphered at last.
[ De: ]
an eternal presence. a moment without a past.
reality transfigured. still the same.
in deafening silence. all things flow.
a pulsating vessel. presence: rising. falling. in and out.
the eschaton is calling from the end of time.
Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects
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Artista: Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects
Canción: Death at both ends
Duración: 00:59
Vistas: 52.259
Álbum: Sol niger within version
Etiquetas: tech metal, meshuggah, from: sweden, progressive metal, math metal

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