Dear claudia Letra

South Fm

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dear claudia" de South Fm.

Dear claudia lyrics

Dear claudia you should try not to sleep
with your best friend's boyfriend
you've come so far since the time when you left
your first boy and
and you do it so carelessly
as if you had no self esteem
a victim of apathy
but you don't care what people say
about you
and i will let you in
before you break yourself
and it's true that you like to sleep around
you enjoy it with your backside's on the ground
but you should know that it's not your fault
you're going to kill yourself
dear claudia you leave big pieces of you
in each bed you lay in
and when you're done there'll be somebody else
wearing your skin
and you do it so carelessly
as if you had no self esteem
a victim of apathy
but you don't care what people say
about you
and i will let you in
before you break yourself
and it's true that you like to sleep around
[ De: ]
you enjoy it with your backside's on the ground
but you should know that it's not your fault
you're going to kill yourself
and i will lay your fears
right here next to mine
and when we close our eyes
we'll be entwined
dear claudia you should try not to sleep
with your best friend's boyfriend
you've come so far since the time when you left
your first boy and
and you do it so carelessly
as if you had no self esteem
a victim of apathy
but you don't care what people say
about you
little claudia
you must an another way
you must forgive yourself
cause it's not your fault i killed mine
and i will let you in
before you break yourself
and it's true that you like to sleep around
you enjoy it with your backside's on the ground
but you should know that it's not your fault
you're going to kill yourself
little claudia
i will forgive you
South Fm

South Fm

Dear claudia

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Artista: South Fm
Canción: Dear claudia
Vistas: 971

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