Deadly animals (come to australia) Letra

Scared Weird Little Guys

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Deadly animals (come to australia)" de Scared Weird Little Guys.

Deadly animals (come to australia) lyrics

Deadly animals
by the scared weird little guys
(rant about tourism commision and song about them getting a song to do about australia)

redback, funnel-web, blue-ringed octopus
taipan, tigersnake and a box jellyfish
stonefish and the poison thing that lives in a shell
that spikes you when you pick it up
Come to australia
you might accidentally get killed
Your life's constantly under threat
[ De: ]
have you been bitten yet?
you've only got three minutes left
before a massive coronary breakdown
Redback, funnel-web, blue-ringed octopus
tiapan, tigersnake and a box jellyfish
big shark just waiting for you to go swimming
at bondi beach
Come to australia
you might accidentally get killed
your blood is bound to be spilled
with fear your pants will be filled
because you might accidentally get killed
Scared Weird Little Guys

Scared Weird Little Guys

Deadly animals (come to australia)

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Artista: Scared Weird Little Guys
Canción: Deadly animals (come to australia)
Vistas: 81

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