Dead skin Letra


El tema "Dead skin" interpretado por Crossfade pertenece a su disco "Crossfade". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dead skin" de Crossfade.

Dead skin lyrics

So i'm the king of all these things of this mess i have made
such a waste what a shame my whole life is a fake
well i'm a bore and i'm sure i'm a thorn inside of you that has torn at you for years
the alcohol the demerol these things never could replace
what a minute with you could do to put a smile on my face
i'm a bore and i'm sure i'm a thorn inside of you that has torn at me for years
i can't get out of this dead skin i can't shed my skin
i'm not sure where to begin why can't i begin again
[ De: ]
i can't get under my dead skin i can't shed my skin
can i sllep 'til then
Phenobarbitol and alocohol these two surely will do
to knock me out keep me down at least a day or two
when i'm awake i can taste how bitter i've become
and it's more than i can bear somedays i pray someone will blow me away
make it quick but let it burn so i can feel my life fade
well i'm a waste and i can taste how bitter i've become
and it's more than i can bear
i can't shed my skin
i can't shed my skin


Dead skin

Ver más info

Artista: Crossfade
Canción: Dead skin
Duración: 03:49
Vistas: 419.058
Álbum: Crossfade
Etiquetas: alternative rock, alternative, crossfade, rock, hard rock

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