Dead, jail or rock'n'roll Letra

Axl Rose

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dead, jail or rock'n'roll" de Axl Rose.

Dead, jail or rock'n'roll lyrics

When I was a kid all I wanted to be
Was the meanest dude on the meanest machine
Now I'm going to wrong way on a one-way street
I never fit this society

I don't really mind
Doing my own time
The three choices I ever came to find
Were:Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll

I ain't looking for trouble but it's looking for me
The law of the jungle is protecting me
Lose sleep man stay out of your bed
[ De: ]
You might wind up in jail if you lose your head

In death I might find
True peace of mind
But while I'm alive
Free choice is mine
It's either:Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll

I don't really mind
Doing my own time
The three choices I ever came to find
Were either:Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll
Dead, Jail or Rock'n'Roll

Michael Monroe with Axl Rose
Axl Rose

Axl Rose

Dead, jail or rock'n'roll

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Artista: Axl Rose
Canción: Dead, jail or rock'n'roll
Vistas: 105

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