Daylight stranger Letra

Gary Puckett & The Union Gap

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Daylight stranger" de Gary Puckett & The Union Gap.

Daylight stranger lyrics

(ah ah ah)
If we meet by chance today, pretend that you don't see me
i love you, but if she knew i know she'd never free me
long as i am tied to her we care not for the danger
so be discreet & meet me later, daylight stranger
She believes that i go out on real important business
she's so right 'cause every night i taste your tender kisses
that's what happens when a home is filled with pain & anger
[ De: ]
so be discreet & meet me later, daylight stranger
For a while just be my lover
with the darkness as our cover
so that she may not discover you
(ah ah ah, ah ah ah)
Soon enough she'll realize that we were both mistaken
walk & talk 'cause in my hand, one day i'll soon awaken
turn the sunlight in your eyes without the thrill of danger
so be discreet & meet me later, daylight stranger
(backing, repeat & fade):
meet me later, daylight stranger
Gary Puckett & The Union Gap

Gary Puckett & The Union Gap

Daylight stranger

Ver más info

Artista: Gary Puckett & The Union Gap
Canción: Daylight stranger
Duración: 02:27
Vistas: 142

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