Day the rains came down Letra

Jane Morgan

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Day the rains came down lyrics

[ De: ]
The day the rains came downjayne morganthe day that the rains came downmother earth smiled againnow the lilacs could bloomnow the fields could grow greenerthe fday that the rains came downbuds were born, love was bornas the young buds will growso our young love will growlove, sweet lovea robin sang a song of lovea willow tree reached up to the heavensasif to thank the sky abovefor all that rain, that welcome rainwe looked across the meadowlandand seemed to sense a kind of a miraclemuch too deep to understandand there we were, so much in lovethe day that the rains came downmountain streams swelled with pridegone the dry river bedgone the dust from the valleythe day that the rains came downbuds were born, love was bornas the young buds will growso our young love will growlove, sweet loverain sweet rain
Jane Morgan

Jane Morgan

Day the rains came down

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Artista: Jane Morgan
Canción: Day the rains came down
Vistas: 85

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