Day dream Letra

Lovin' Spoonful

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Day dream" de Lovin' Spoonful.

Day dream lyrics

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Daydreamthe wallace collectionnotes : also performed by "lovin' spoonful"what a day for a day dream,what a day for a day dreamin' i'm lost in a day dream,dreamin' 'bout my bundle of even if time ain't really on my side,it's one of those days for taking a walk #39;m blowing the day to take a walk in the sun,and fall on my face in somebody's new mowed #39;ve been havin' a sweet dream,i've been dreamin' since i woke up today,it's starring me in my sweet dream,'cause she's the one that makes me feel this way,and even if time is passin' me by a lot,i couldn't care less about the dues you say i i'll pay the dues for dropping my pie in the face for being a sleepy bull you can be sure that if you're feelin righta day dream will last a long time into the at breakfast you may prick up your ears,or you may be dreamin' for a thousand years.
Lovin' Spoonful

Lovin' Spoonful

Day dream

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Artista: Lovin' Spoonful
Canción: Day dream
Vistas: 315

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