Dave Letra

Cheech And Chong

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dave" de Cheech And Chong.

Dave lyrics

(soft knocks at the door)
chong: who is it?
cheech: it's me, dave. open up, man, i got the stuff.
(more knocks)
chong: who is it?
cheech: it's me, dave, man. open up, i got the stuff.
chong: who?
cheech: it's, dave, man. open up, i think the cops saw me come in here.
(more knocks)
chong: who is it?
cheech: it's, dave, man. will you open up, i got the stuff with me.
chong: who?
cheech: dave, man. open up.
chong: dave?
cheech: yeah, dave. c'mon, man, open up, i think the cops saw me.
chong: dave's not here.
cheech: no, man, i'm dave, man.
(sharp knocks at the door)
cheech: hey, c'mon, man.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dave-cheech-and-chong ]
chong: who is it?
cheech: it's dave, man. will you open up? i got the stuff with me.
chong: who?
cheech: dave, man. open up.
chong: dave?
cheech: yeah, dave.
chong: dave's not here.
cheech: what the hell? no, man, i am dave, man. will
(more knocks)
cheech: c'mon open up the door, will you? i got the stuff with me, i think the cops saw me.
chong: who is it?
cheech: oh, what the hell is #39;mon. open up the door it's dave
chong: who?
cheech: dave d-a-v-e will you open up the goddam door
chong: dave?
cheech: yeah, dave
chong: dave?
cheech: right, man. dave. now will you open up the door?
chong: dave's not here.

Cheech And Chong
Ver más info

Artista: Cheech And Chong
Canción: Dave
Duración: 00:57
Vistas: 1.336

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