Darkness, blood & tears Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Darkness, blood & tears" de Yawarhiem.

Darkness, blood & tears lyrics

Far near (close to) the stars, the light blinded my eyes
Pretending to be the goddess of the lands
of Heaven and of all
If I'm The (a) Lord,
you are gonna feel the anger of my skies

The dark is in your eyes
And the sun will disappear
My tears are on your face
And my blood on your feelings

Feel the rain and the storm
And follow me, fly
Could you become the ashes of my heart?
You only have to give me your own eyes.
And maybe you could kiss the justice of my soul

Feeling the heart of
Scream and burn, near the fire.
Souls feel the pain of
When the rain breaks the silence

Go high my Brothers (flying through the sky)
but don’t lose our power (avenging all her pain)
We are gonna take (from the empire of the Sun)
the power of this mystic place.

My tears are falling down
on your rivers but where is the sun?
It’s too late my holy maiden,
if the sun never comes back for you.


You guide me to the end
To save you and your soul
The passion of the silence never sleeps.
Was the magic and the steel what made me wake up
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-darkness-blood-tears-yawarhiem ]
When darkness was the redemption of the sun

Sacrifice your feelings and
And if you have to die
Would you stop the anger of your soul?

No, you can’t enchant me and stop my revenge,
revenge that is on me and will always stay on me.

Darkness protect the earth,
and let the light disappear.
Thunders will bring you pain
for death and for the spirits.

Fly Ayar Tawar (crossing all the hills),
cross the temples to the horizons (with the rage of your veins).
The blood of your heart (running to the sea)
claims vengeance for the innocents. (Her innocence)

Son of fire, lord of the empire
Son of fire, lord of the empire
Son of fire, lord of the empire
Son of fire, lord of the empire

Oh, oh, oh…………………………

Darkness protect the earth,
and let the light disappear.
Thunders will bring you pain
for death and for the spirits.

Fly Ayar Tawar (crossing all the hills),
cross the temples to the horizons (with the rage of your veins).
The blood of your heart (running to the sea)
claims vengeance for the innocents. (Her innocence)

Go high my Brothers, but don’t lose our
Fly through the skies, for Hiem and the midnight



Darkness, blood & tears

Ver más info

Artista: Yawarhiem
Canción: Darkness, blood & tears
Duración: 00:30
Vistas: 121

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