Danke schoen Letra

Wayne Newton

La letra de la canción "Danke schoen" interpretada por Wayne Newton fue publicada el 20 de julio de 2010 con su vídeo musical.

Danke schoen lyrics

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen,
thank you for all the joy and pain.
picture show, second balcony, was the place we'd meet,
second seat, go dutch treat, you were sweet.
danke schoen, darling, danke schoen,
save those lies, darlin' don't explain.
i recall central park in fall,
how you tore your dress, what a mess, i confess, that's not all.
danke schoen, darling, danke schoen,
thank you for walks down lover's lane,
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-danke-schoen-wayne-newton ]
i can see, hearts carved on a tree,
letters intertwine, for all time, yours and mine, that was fine.
danke schien, darling, danke schoen,
thank you for seeing me again.
though we go on our separate ways,
still the mem'ry stays, for always,
my heart says, danke schoen.
danke schoen, oh darlin' danke shoen,
i said thank you for, mmmm, seein' me again.
though we go on our separate ways, still the mem'ry stays, for always,
my heart says, danke schoen. danke shoen, auf weidershein, danke shoen.

Wayne Newton

Wayne Newton

Danke schoen

Julio, 2010
136.880 vistas

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Artista: Wayne Newton
Canción: Danke schoen
Duración: 02:33
Estreno: Julio, 2010
Vistas: 136.880
Álbum: Wild, cool & swingin'
Etiquetas: oldies, swing, jazz, jazz vocal, easy listening

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