Dancing girls Letra

Nik Kershaw

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dancing girls" de Nik Kershaw.

Dancing girls lyrics

Cold and lonely, tired and bored
just like the day before
missing out on life's reward
of that you an be sure
So bring on the dancing girls
take off the cold night and the sad day
bring on the dancing girls
take off the twilight and the skies so grey
And they dance for him inside his head
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dancing-girls-nik-kershaw ]
Soul destroyed by life's demands
with nothing to believe
our hero sits with head in hands
and heart upon his sleeve
So bring on the dancing girls
take off the cold night and the sad day
Bring on the dancing girls
bring on the girls to dance his blues away
And they danced for him inside his head

Nik Kershaw

Nik Kershaw

Dancing girls

Ver más info

Artista: Nik Kershaw
Canción: Dancing girls
Duración: 03:24
Vistas: 27.291
Álbum: Human racing
Etiquetas: pop, new wave, synth pop, 80s, 1984

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