Dance to the music Letra

Sly & The Family Stone

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dance to the music" de Sly & The Family Stone.

Dance to the music lyrics

Cynthia: get up and dance to the music
get on up and dance to the fonky music
all: dance to the music, dance to the music
freddie: hey greg
greg: what?
freddie: all we need is a drummer,
for people who only need a beat
i'm gonna add a little guitar
and make it easy to move your feet
[ De: ]
larry: i'm gonna add some bottom,
so that the dancers just won't hide
sly: you might like to hear my organ
playing "ride sally ride"
you might like to hear the horns blowin',
cynthia on the throne, yeah
cynthia & jerry got a message they're sayin':
cynthia: all the squares, go home
all: dance to the music, dance to the music
Sly & The Family Stone

Sly & The Family Stone

Dance to the music

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Artista: Sly & The Family Stone
Canción: Dance to the music
Duración: 02:37
Vistas: 247

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