Dance in the circle Letra

Patricia Vonne

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dance in the circle" de Patricia Vonne.

Dance in the circle lyrics

Black eagle speak
500 nations weep
they tore your world apart
with a cold clear rifle round
oh spirit rise
heal our wounded soul
protect the life we know
as we dance on hallowed ground
~dance in the circle~
With guns they came
to ravage and to fight
lord, hear the battle cry
of our sons and daughters
[ De: ]
red rivers flow
across the spirit land
united we will stand
hear the children cry out loud
~dance in the circle~
Land of the free
behold our destiny
our blood is of the earth
now the sky is crying
oh spirit rise
set our souls free
don't deny our liberty as we dance
on hallowed ground
~dance in the circle~
Patricia Vonne

Patricia Vonne

Dance in the circle

Ver más info

Artista: Patricia Vonne
Canción: Dance in the circle
Duración: 04:00
Vistas: 229

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