Dance (disco heat) Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dance (disco heat)" de Sylvester.

Dance (disco heat) lyrics

Near disco dawn
boogie crowds the floor
rockin' all the way
hot 'til break of day
since midnight's fall i've been in a sweat
groovin' steppin' high
prancin' side to side
crowds all round
rhythm's tight and drivin'
disco sound takes me higher
Dancin's total freedom
be yourself and choose your feelin'
come on get up i wanna see ya swingin' swayin'
fancy slidin'glidin' rockin' reelin'
come on get up ev'rybody dance
cookin' on my feet in the disco heat
hustlin' through the night
[ De: ]
mornin' light shines on me again
music takes me dance dance
rhythm's tight and drivin' high, high, higher
get on the hook
'cause dancin's total freedom
be yourself and choose your feelin'
come on get up i wanna see ya swingin' swayin'
move groove slidin' glidin' rockin' reelin'
come on get up ev'rybody dance, dance, dance
swing it sway it
come on and use your feelin'
slidin' glidin'
heqrt and soul together
movin' groovin' we can dance forever
rockin' reelin'
come on get up ev'ryody dance
come on and dance with me
in the disco heat


Dance (disco heat)

Ver más info

Artista: Sylvester
Canción: Dance (disco heat)
Duración: 04:08
Vistas: 1.371
Álbum: Disco queens: the '70s
Etiquetas: disco, laidback

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