Dance Letra

Dance Nation

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dance" de Dance Nation.

Dance lyrics

You're the music
in my soul
feel your love
take control
you make me whole
you feel my soul
You're the music
in my life
like the sun
and the light
you make it right
you make it right
You're the sunshine
after rain
free my world
from the pain
you make me whole
you feel my soul
You're the music
you're the joy
every girl, every boy
you make it right
and shine your light
so while let's chance
so let's dance
come on
let's dance
let's dance
let's dance
[ De: ]
You're the music
in my soul
feel your love
take control
you make me whole
you feel my soul
You're my music
in my life
like the sun
and the light
you make it right
you make it right
You're the sunshine
after rain
free my world
from the pain
you make me whole
you feel my soul
You're the music
you're the joy
every girl, every boy
you make it right
and shine your light
so while let's chance
let's dance
come on
let's dance
so while let's chance
let's dance
Dance Nation

Dance Nation


Ver más info

Artista: Dance Nation
Canción: Dance
Vistas: 8.433
Etiquetas: vocal trance, dance, trance, electronic, electronica

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