Daddy Letra

Gemma Fox

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Daddy" de Gemma Fox.

Daddy lyrics

You are my strength when i’m weak,
oh oh oh oh,
you are the love, which lovers see,
you gave your everything,
so that i could have anything (anything).
you believed in me,
put your trust in me,
for the strength that i see.
i wish that i could make it better for you,
[ De: ]
the daily fights that you go through,
and still your there for me,
and still you care for me,
i’m still daddy’s baby.
And although we have our ups and downs,
you are my strength for higher grounds,
and still your there for me,
and still you care for me,
i’m still daddy’s baby.
Gemma Fox

Gemma Fox


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Artista: Gemma Fox
Canción: Daddy
Duración: 01:35
Vistas: 103

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